Nye instrumenter - kontrabas

Kontrabas fra Gewa
i størrelse: Alle

kr.   9.995,- PURE Krydsfinér i top og bund
kr. 12.495,- PURE - Massiv gran dæk finér bund
kr. 19.195,- Allegro Massiv gran dæk

1/4, 1/2, 3/4 størrelse


The standard size which is common today is the 3/4 size. This corresponds to a body length of about 114 cm and of (swinging) string length between 104 cm and 108 cm. Further sizes which are common are besides 4/4 also 7/8, 5/8 and 1/2. A double bass of 1/2 size is however not half as big as a 4/4 double bass but it has a body length of about 96 cm.

Double bass sizes (cm)

dbass size chart

Double Bass Size chart A B C D E F
7/8 190 116 106 52,2 40 69,6
3/4 182 11 105 49 36,5 67,8
1/2 167 102 96 47,1 34,6 59,5
1/4 156 95 90 43,6 32,1 55,3

Vibrating string lengths (as found by different string- and doublebassmakers):

size string length (cm)
1/16   70    
1/10 71      
1/8 80,5 80 80  
1/4 90 90 87 90,5
1/2 97,5 97 99 96,5
3/4 106 104 104 106
4/4   >107